Do Braces Make You Drool?


Have you ever heard that braces can cause drooling?

Perhaps you recently received braces or some other orthodontic appliance and have picked up a tendency to drool. Obviously, that’s a bit more than just a little embarrassing! What causes drooling? Is there anything you can do about it? Here’s some helpful information on a challenge that some orthodontic patients occasionally deal with.

It’s A Natural Reaction!

Your mouth is very sensitive to foreign materials. Its complex functions serve many important roles. One of these duties is to prepare the tasty food you eat for the digestive process. This process actually starts in the mouth, thanks to saliva.

When your mouth senses the presence of some unusual object in the mouth, it will reflexively “drool”. This rush of fluid helps smooth food as you chew, swallow, and break down carbohydrates.

Objects in the mouth that aren’t food can also trigger this reaction! That’s why your braces or retainer may make you feel like you need to spit more often than usual.

Drooling – Good for Your Teeth?

There is nothing harmful about a little extra saliva. In fact, it’s good for your teeth! Saliva helps to neutralize acid in food and bacteria that can cause cavities. Saliva also washes away debris and bacteria from the teeth throughout the day. Lots of saliva is actually a sign of a healthy mouth. Dry mouth (xerostomia) can make your teeth more prone to cavities.

What Can Be Done About Drooling?

Unfortunately, not much can be done about drooling. For most people, their mouths get used to the sensation after a while and the saliva production lessens. On the plus side, the drooling tends to be more of a problem at night while sleeping. At the very worst, you’ll have to change your pillowcase a little more often!

While there may not be much you can do about a drooling problem, you can still keep your smile healthy. Keep your dental checkups with us to make sure your braces are doing their job.